Sunday, November 05, 2006

Boldly go where no one has gone before: Outside.

I watched Fight Club tonight. It always has such a dramatic effect on me. There's a line in the movie, right after the main character moves into the shitty house on Paper Street, where he says (in monologue), "I didn't even miss TV."
It set something off for me. All I've done today, aside from a little programming, was watch TV. I stopped tivo-ing my favorite shows two weeks ago. But I still sit in front of the TV every weekend and flip through the channel guide, and I invariably find things to watch. But that idle comment triggered something. How wonderful, how nice would it be, how perfectly zenlike, to not be television's bitch? to not be an incredible slave to my idleness? It just so happens (and this may be TMI), I was also half naked. While I was on the phone, cancelling service with Time Warner and Tivo, I looked down at my disgusting pasty blobby body. I threw on a pair of gym shorts that used to be loose that are now snug. I'm so disgusted. There's no part of me that's lean or fit or efficient. Not my brain and certainly not my body. I've been backsliding into idleness for so long, that I've assumed that things that didn't come easy, I just wasn't destined to do. Well fuck that. No more.


Blogger Trog said...


5:34 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

blobby body...haha that's funny.

12:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are my hero, when i grow up i want to be just like you
love Bea

4:11 PM


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