TSA confiscated my personal lubricant.
Since I've already posted that even my mother knows I'm sexually active, it doesn't seem like too much of a stretch for a TSA agent to be privy to that information. Last Sunday, when I was going through security at Newark Airport, I got into an argument with the on-duty lead TSA agent over that fact that I was not permitted to take my personal lubricant on-board the aircraft in my carry-on luggage.
"I am permitted to carry up four ounces of personal lubricant in my carry-on luggage."
He stared at me and held up my half-used tube of Astroglide. He started talking over me before I finished my sentence.
"This is not considered essential medication. You cannot take this on the plane."
"That's fine, but according to YOUR website, it says that I CAN take it on the plane. If you didn't want me to have it, then you need to update your website to reflect that."
"Our website does not say that-"
"Yes, it DOES."
"You can only take essential medication. This is not essential." He waved the purple tube around.
"Look, I know that it's bizarre! I don't know why your website says this, but it does. Throw it out, I don't care. But this is what the TSA regs say on the website."
"It does not say this."
"You're wrong." I stared at him. "Check your website."
And because my heart was pounding and I was worried I was going to get detained, I grabbed my bag and stalked off.
And here's the proof: http://www.tsa.gov/travelers/airtravel/prohibited/permitted-prohibited-items.shtm
Ctrl+F: lubricant.
In case, TSA changes it, here's the pdf version of it.
God, even now, I'm still pissed off. I'm kicking myself because I had the printout but I left it at FatBastard's apartment earlier.
It's probably better this way. I would have gotten detained, but at least I might have gotten on Jon Stewart as the girl who got in a fight with a TSA agent over a bottle of lube. But I would have gotten a lot of sympathy from all the women out there who've had their carmex and lipglosses confiscated. As though that matters. I'm just going to start stuffing my chapstick and little bottles of shampoo down my pants. I'm pretty sure the only reason TSA says these rules are so effective is because it shortens the lines at security, cuz fewer people of taking carry-on luggage and are checking it. then TSA can just rummage through my panties and delicates in baggage check. Assholes.