Addicted to the Internet
I took this task and scored a 42, which means I'm an average internet user. I've become really concerned lately that my internet usage borders on addiction. I think there's a difference between abuse and addiction. Looking that up...
Okay, I haven't found it yet. But I'm pretty sure that my internet usage could count as addictive if my life were different. Since I live alone, my surfing harms no one. It's wasted time.
Here's what I waste my time on:
1) Putting stuff on my new ipod
2) downloading videos (mainly NBC's The Office, lately)
3) downloading music
4) discovering what music to download. I'm a big fan of soundtracks and compilations. ITunes is great for that.
5) Reading blogs
6) Finding RSS feeds and gadgets to add to my Google Homepage
7) Shopping online, but rarely buying. Just a compulsive window shopper.
8) Meticulously editing the ID3 tags on my iPod.
9) Watch videos on YouTube.
10) Think of things to blog.
11) Blog.
The list could go on for a while.
Here are the things I neglect when I'm surfing online. These are the things that I would confess to if there were Interneddicts Anonymous.
1) I neglect the dishes. I get these tiny tiny flies in my apartment when I don't do the dishes. They're about the size of the capital I in this sentence in 12point font.
2) I neglect thinking about the future. I should be networking and researching potential career paths.
3) I neglect my work. A doctorate doesn't finish itself. I'm behind schedule, and it's getting worse.
4) I neglect my friends. I have a lot of friends that I made in D.C. and Dallas, and I've completely lost touch with them.
5) I neglect my sister. I don't talk to her nearly as much as I should.
6) I neglect my self-improvement. I should be learning things, taking up hobbies and extracurricular activities, and I don't have anything to list in those categories. I don't play musical instruments or sports, I don't know any languages, I don't do any community service, and I don't practice religion. I can, however, recite most lines from Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy.
I tried doing something about this. I stopped Tivo-ing. That was my last addiction, watching TV. I would waste whole weekends away watching TV instead of seeing friends.
I need to stop this.
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