Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Highly critical news about my latest obsession

Here's the deal: I'm highly obsessed with Veronica Mars. It comes on Tuesday nights at 8pm. Last night was the season finale, and I was actually depressed afterwards. Because....dum da dum: Veronica Mars may not be getting renewed for a third season. But according to the Veronica Mars myspace group (, news of whether it gets renewed will happen on May 18. I'm posting it to my calendar. Stay tuned...

By the way, I am completely aware of how big a dork I am. Seriously, I rate this quadruple loser. I can't help it, read my previous blog about my obsessions.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Interesting use of corn

I just ate some polenta. It was interesting. Like filling your stomach with something without having to taste it. Kind of like tofu.
Here's what I did with it, if anyone else is baffled as to how to use polenta. Remember when you felt that way about tofu and soy milk? Now I can't live without 'em.
Slice up polenta. Put on plate. Drizzle with olive oil, sea salt, pepper, garlic. Yes, all of 'em! if you don't you may as well eat a cotton t-shirt. Nuke it for 60 secs. Drizzle with mozzerella. I had it with an omelette, which was cool. Lots of yellow; pretty.

(This is pretty bad for my first blog in who-knows-how-long.)