Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Soul Sucker

I have a meeting tomorrow with Dr. Pwactical. He's one of the researchers I took a course with and I hate his guts. The bastard actually gave me an incomplete. I did all the work I was supposed to do. I have absolutely no idea how this meeting is going to go. I imagine we'll discuss what other work I need to do in order to earn a pass in the tutorial rotation. It might not even be that much work. Worst case scenario will be having to re-analyze data until I get actual results, and if that happens, I know I'll come home angry, frustrated, and in tears.

I'm really excited about the work I'm doing right now in my current lab. But I'm so dreading the meeting tomorrow with Dr. Pwactical that it's actually sucking the motivation out of me entirely, even for the projects I am excited for.

If anyone reads this before 3:00pm tomorrow, please pray for me.


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