Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Fucking Adenosine Modulators

This isn't fair. It is one-thirty in the goddamn morning, and I'm wide awake. And why is that? Because I was fool enough to drink four ounces of Dr. Pepper at 6 o'clock this evening.

This isn't fair.

I hate this shit. Fucking adenosine modulators. So here are my rules so far for caffeinated beverages:
No coffee after 4pm.
No sodas after 6pm (possibly earlier).
No tea after 10am. This one is a real bitch. There's something sticky in tea's caffeine or theophylline molecule such that I'm wide awake and staring at the ceiling fan at 2am, more than a dozen hours post-consumption.

I know this is just something I have to deal with, but still.
Fucking A, man.


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