Friday, December 16, 2005

Why am I not obsessed with my friends?

I just found out that my friend Nate just had his daughter. Which she's a super cutie. But if I had just poked around myspace a little more, I would have found this out on my own, instead on AIM, when he IM'ed me.

My friends deserve better than this. I can't seem to keep up with them on a weekly or even monthly basis. If my friends were houseplants, they'd perish. Speaking of which I forgot to water my poinsettia before I left for Dallas. But I've effectively weeded out my friends to the point that only the friends that will tolerate my seasonal attention remain. I love them though! Stanley, Neeta, Nate, Anil, you guys are terrific.

If my friends were houseplants, they'd be cacti.